
Showing posts from September, 2022

September 29, 2022

"We played tennis in the gym!"-Raiden "It was orange shirt day!"-Rhys "We played trains!"-Dylan "We made hearts!"-Mateo "We read a story about orange shirts!"-James "We watched the assembly!"-Jaxon  There is no school for kids tomorrow for Truth and Reconciliation Day.  Reminder: Library day is on Monday. Bring your book back to exchange it for a new one.  LOVE ROOM 2 ๐Ÿงก  

September 21, 2022

  "We went on a nature walk!"-Imani "We painted sunflowers!"-Jaxon "We had play time!"-Nola "We were playing with play dough!"-Raiden "We see our pet tree, Ashy!"-Rhys Tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run! Please dress for running outside! Please book your Parent Teacher Conference online for a meeting with Mrs. Switzer.  LOVE ROOM 2๐ŸŒฒ

September 16, 2022

Happy Friday!โ˜€๏ธ Today we did the last stations of our name centres, worked on our self portraits, played centres and played on the playground.  Next week on Thursday and Friday we will have our first Parent Teacher Conference. The purpose of this conference is for me to get to know a bit more about your child from your perspective. These conferences will be in-person. If you are unable to make a conference time, I can arrange a phone conference or we can arrange to meet at a later time.  Next Thursday is also our Terry Fox Run. Please bring in some "Toonies for Terry" to donate to cancer research! Thank you for all of your support, have a wonderful weekend!โค๏ธ

September 14, 2022

"We went for a nature walk!"-Raiden "We saw 2 deer!"-Dylan "We played at the playground!"-Jaxon "We went to the nature forest!"-James "We stamped our names!"-Brinnley "I bingo-dabbed my name!"-Everly  

September 13, 2022

Happy Tuesday!  Today we started our name centres. We practiced stamping, beading, bingo-dabbing and building our names with play dough. We are learning to use a variety of materials we have in the class, practicing our fine motor skills, and practicing recognizing and spelling our names. We had our first music class today. We played some musical games and did some dancing.  Have a great evening! Tomorrow is our first "Nature Walk Wednesday". We will be going on a nature walk on our school grounds.   

September 12, 2022

 "We played play dough!"-Nola "We went to the gym and played Toilet Tag!"-Rhys "We did bear crawling at the gym!"-Jaxon "We played centres!"-James "We saw Mr. Miller!"-Mateo and Liam  Tomorrow is our first music class at school! See you tomorrow! ๐ŸŽต

September 9, 2022

"I went to the gym!"-James  "We coloured in our names with crayons to make a rainbow!"-Brinnley "I played with blocks!"-Dylan "I played with marbles!"-Raiden "I made a kid!"-Christina See you on Monday!  Love Room 2 โค๏ธ  

Sept 7, 2022

Happy Wednesday!  Today in Kindergarten we practiced tracing our name with loose parts, learned how to do our best "4 star" colouring, played in the gym for the first time, and had play centres.  There are a few notes about School Council events attached on this post. Please have a look below! Yesterday I sent home our yellow folders with your child. Please make sure they bring them back and forth to school each day to help us build this routine. Students will bring home work, important notices, etc... in these folders.  Thank you!  See you tomorrow! โค๏ธ  

Sept 3, 2022

Yay! We had a great first full day in Kindergarten! ๐Ÿ’› Today we practiced tracing our name with colourful loose parts, had our first snack time, enjoyed some play centres, and learned some of our many Kindergarten routines.  See you tomorrow! 

Sept 2, 2022

We had a fabulous 2nd day of Kindergarten! ๐Ÿ’™ Today we went on a school tour, read a story, and learned our Morning Meeting routine.  On Tuesday, we will begin our full mornings of Kindergarten. Kindergarten will run from 8:30-11:10 am , Monday-Friday, (except for holidays!). At Woodlands, we have a 'soft start' to our mornings. Students are welcome to come into the school from 8:20-8:30 am. We will have a table activity for them until we begin our morning.  Please send your child with a small nutritious snack each day. Please do not send your child with candy or pop.  School Council Events:  The Ice Cream Social is on September 8 from 5-7pm on the Woodlands School grounds. Ice cream, freezies, juice boxes and snacks will all be sold for $1 each by School Council.  School Council Bottle Drive on September 10 from 9 am-2pm. Bring your bottles to help raise money for School Council! See you Tuesday, happy long weekend! โ˜€๏ธ

Sept. 1, 2022

We had a great first day of Kindergarten! Today we learned how to use our classroom bathroom, read "Pete the Cat, Rocking in my School Shoes", and drew self portraits.  See you tomorrow! โค๏ธ Mrs. Switzer