Sept 2, 2022

We had a fabulous 2nd day of Kindergarten! 💙

Today we went on a school tour, read a story, and learned our Morning Meeting routine. 

On Tuesday, we will begin our full mornings of Kindergarten. Kindergarten will run from 8:30-11:10 am, Monday-Friday, (except for holidays!). At Woodlands, we have a 'soft start' to our mornings. Students are welcome to come into the school from 8:20-8:30 am. We will have a table activity for them until we begin our morning. 

Please send your child with a small nutritious snack each day. Please do not send your child with candy or pop. 

School Council Events: 

The Ice Cream Social is on September 8 from 5-7pm on the Woodlands School grounds. Ice cream, freezies, juice boxes and snacks will all be sold for $1 each by School Council. 

School Council Bottle Drive on September 10 from 9 am-2pm. Bring your bottles to help raise money for School Council!

See you Tuesday, happy long weekend! ☀️


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