Happy Friday! The students did so well at their assembly yesterday. I am so proud!! Thank you for attending. Today we wrote in our journals about our assembly experience, we had centres with Room 1, we practiced finding two numbers that add together to make 10, and we enjoyed the sunshine on the playground for our Friday recess. We are still looking for donations for the Student Parent Council's Year End Carnival. We are in charge of the "summer fun" box. Two families have already donated beach towels and sand toys. We are still looking for things like sidewalk chalk, bubbles, kids sunglasses, sun hats, etc. If you are able to donate, that would be amazing! Have an amazing weekend!
Hi Room 2! I have been so busy preparing for the concert, I completely forgot to do the blog over the last two weeks. Updates for Room 2: We are currently doing a food drive at Woodlands School to raise food for the Food Bank. If you can donate some non-perishable food items to the drive, please send them with your child over the next week. Our Winter Concert is coming up on December 15, at 7:00 pm. Many students have been asking what they should wear for the concert. We are asking students to come dress in a "Who"-like outfit. Concert Dress Code: No black or grey No logos Wear things that are bright, colourful, fun, patterned, sparkly, festive or wacky! Students can wear fun hats, toques, colourful clothing, festive pyjama pants, fancy dresses, whatever they think would make a great "Who" outfit. I have attached a slideshow with some inspiration for your outfits. Please have your child show up no later than 6:45 pm. Students will head to ...
Happy Wednesday! Today in Kindergarten we practiced tracing our name with loose parts, learned how to do our best "4 star" colouring, played in the gym for the first time, and had play centres. There are a few notes about School Council events attached on this post. Please have a look below! Yesterday I sent home our yellow folders with your child. Please make sure they bring them back and forth to school each day to help us build this routine. Students will bring home work, important notices, etc... in these folders. Thank you! See you tomorrow! ❤️
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