November 22, 2022
Happy Tuesday!
Today we continued learning about our new letter of the week, Mm! So far, we have learned Aa, Ss, Tt, Ii, and Mm. Please help your child review these letters and the sounds they make at home. They can practice printing them, finding them on street signs when you go for a walk, finding them in the words on the screen while searching for their TV show, etc. :)
Tomorrow is our Nature Walk Wednesday. Please dress your child for the weather!
Library day was postponed until Thursday, November 24, this week. Please bring your book back on Wednesday night so your child can exchange their book.
Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday during the day. You can book your conference time on your myCBE account. If you are unable to do this, send me an email and I will gladly help you book one!
Have an awesome evening!
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